Development aid
Much has been done on Cape Verde. Through the multilateral and almost universal cooperation of many countries and international organisations, but also through the competent administration of funds by the Cape Verdean government itself, a steady development has been achieved. Private European companies that are owned by the state, such as the Germany Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), as well as the EU or church institutions, have been entrusted with the implementation of projects. UN organisations such as the World Health Organisation, UNICEF or UNESCO offer advisory assistance.
At a current volume of about 180 US dollars per capita/year, two-thirds of the proceeds flow into the financial cooperation. These funds are then used to build airports, streets or hospitals and schools, for example. In national development plans, the government establishes what will be used for which purposes over a time period of three years. The strategic use of funds is established in long-term plans.
In addition, there is as distinction between the technical and the personnel cooperation. For the latter, the situation has now developed to the point that Cape Verdeans can assume a major share of the necessary tasks in the country due to (advanced) education programmes. The aiding countries sponsor scholarships and training courses for many students. Nautical and engineering schools have been built.
The technical cooperation is geared towards issues like water supply and food supply, as well as the infrastructure and health care.
Many European countries have also assumed one or more tasks in other areas. For example, Portugal and Spain are responsible for the restoration of monuments. Austria is responsible for cable networks and the development of Santa Cruz. With a comparably large contribution, Luxembourg provides schools and hospitals. Germany supports vocational-school measures, nature conservation and mountain tourism.