About capeverde.com

Travel Offers on capeverde.com:

Capeverde.com does not own, provide, sell or operate the products and services listed. The products and services listed are offered and carried out by third-party providers selected by us, with whom you will be put in direct contact via contact forms.

As soon as you start an enquiry, the respective provider will contact you directly (usually within max. 24 hours on working days).
If you wish to be contacted by telephone, this is possible after contacting and with the agreement of the respective provider.

You do not pay any agency fee or other surcharges !

All tours such as Individual Hiking Tours and Individual Round Trips are carried out by Capeverdean/German, English speaking travel agencies which we have selected according to strict criteria.


Quality characteristics of the selected travel agencies:

As long as possible (at least 10 years) experience in the travel sector in Cape Verde,
German, English and Portuguese language skills,
Presence on all islands, high reliability and accessibility,
Effective and fast customer service,
Always up-to-date information and constantly revised offers
and of course attractive prices !

Other travel services such as package and all-inclusive tours as well as flights are provided by renowned tour operators such as TUI and Tuifly.

Texts on capeverde.com:

* Alexandra Wind (attorney, freelance journalist)

* Daniel Reyes Breitenstroter


Photos on capeverde.com:

* Markus Andel

* Daniel Reyes Breitenstroter


capeverde.com is a project by:

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Enquiries for Partnership and Advertising requests:

Contact us writing to: info@capeverde.com

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